
In this portfolio you can find a collection of pieces across a range of genres. This includes prose, descriptive pieces, game design documentation and pure dialogue. If you can't find a piece here that suits the type you'd require for your project, please reach out to me on social media or through the contact form at the bottom of and I will happily write a sample up to 300 words in length. Also below you can find links to my ongoing and previous projects, and the prices I typically charge.


Check out my ongoing projects:

Check out previous projects I've Worked On:


This package contains:

- Setting Overview
- Faction Descriptions
- Recap of World History
- Geographical Regions

£40 (1000 Words)

Worldbuilding Packages

In Depth

This package contains the previous package items and:

- Notable Characters
- Major Settlements
- Inspiration For Further Writing

£80 (2000 Words)


This package contains the previous package items and:

- A Greater Level of Detail in All Sections
- Deep Dive Into a Setting Aspect of Your Choice

£120 (3000 Words)

Per Word

Most suitable pricing scheme for large prose projects, or those with a very particular budget. When this pricing method is chosen, I will work to the proposed wordcount as closely as possible. In cases where I exceed the wordcount, I will not charge extra.

Any work relating to a registered Charity or Union receives a discount of 20% applied to the final total cost of the project.

£15 base price + (£0.05 per word)


Per Hour

Most suitable pricing scheme for long term projects or those with a low wordcount. Based on a project brief, I will provide a price quote with a 10% margin on either side. Should my hours worked exceed this margin,  I will not charge extra unless the hours worked exceed the price quote by 40%. At this stage I will contact you to determine a course of action.

Any work relating to a registered Charity or Union will be charged at £18 per hour

£23 Per Hour

Lump Sum

Most suitable for one-off or commission pieces. Price determined on a case by case basis, paid 50% at project start and 50% upon delivery of the finished piece. This pricing scheme is particularly suitable to the worldbuilding services I offer, as they result in an easy to reference final document.

Any work relating to a registered Charity or Union receives a discount of 20% factored into my commission price.

Pricing Determined From Project Brief

Contact Me

I am currently looking for new projects! Please do not hesitate to reach out and discuss what I can do for you.

Note: I do not accept work for Blockchain / Cryptocurrency projects, or those relating to AI art or Writing.

Email: kass.fletcher@gmail.com

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